Vedanta proclaims loudly

Vedanta Dindima (the drum beat of Vedanta) is an amazing text in the form of crisp slokas about what Vedanta proclaims is Brahman. There are 94 shlokas in it containing the essence everyone must know before entering the Grihastha Asrama. In the 8th shloka, there is a good proclamation about what is worth listening to and what is not worth listening to. It is necessary in this day and age when we are all ultra-consumers of processed digital food. We need to know what is pure unprocessed food that is healthy for your well being.

श्रोतव्या श्राव्य रूपौ द्वौ पदार्थौ सुखदु:खदौ
श्रोतव्यम् ब्रह्म नैवान्यत् इति वेदान्त डिन्डिम:

There are two categories, one worth listening to that bestows joy and the other being unworthy causes pain. The one worth listening to is alone Brahman; not the other. This is the proclamation of Vedanta. BhagavadGita also says :

Intellect absorbed in That, their Self being That, established in that, with That for their supreme Goal, they go whence there is no return, their sins dispelled by Knowledge. [ Chapter 5 – Verse 17 ] [1]

Gaining knowledge begins from the childhood phase only by listening. Children gather words and their vocabulary primarily by listening alone. Listening is a powerful skill that must develop over time from our childhood into adulthood. As an adult, we have the freedom to choose what we listen to. Therefore it is proclaimed that only Brahma vishaya or the talks about Brahman are bound to give you sukham i.e. happiness not any other talks. To listen and listen well are skills that must be deliberated worked upon by each of us on a path to uplift ourselves spiritually. Listening is the cornerstone for human learning. This is the reason we have two ears and one mouth. To listen more and speak as needed. Wedon’t need any ideals but just look at our own Gods for getting inspired to imbibe this quality of listening. In the Mahabharatha, on the battlefield of Kurukshetra, Bhagavan Sri Krishna listens with complete attention to whatever depressed Arjuna has to say because listening with complete attention is in itself healing. Listening with complete attention is also the greatest compliment you can give anyone. We all need attention – that is one of the greatest people truths.

To go back to our point of discussing “worthy listening”, we must understand what is to be done before we start listening. Even before we start listening to Vedanta as an adult, we must empty ourselves. Without emptying ourselves, we cannot receive wisdom. Wisdom is given only to those who have become silent inside and not to those with crowded minds.[2]

An interesting order of knowledge (Jnana samuparjana is shown here). Srotavya (Listening) has to be followed by Mantavya i.e. reflecting thinking. This must be followed by Nididhyasanam i.e. assimilating, internalising and becoming contemplatory. When we are able to follow this SOP (standard operating procedure), our life will become spiritually uplifting. What do you listen to on a daily basis? For a start, listen to




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